Outdoor Boot Camp
Burn calories, sweat, and get strong!
Join this challenging and transformative 45-minute workout. And while you're at it... have some FUN!
Perfect for those hoping to:
increase cardio endurance
gain strength and mobility
burn, burn, burn that fat!
workout with some BUDDIES!
get into an exercise routine
decrease stress and improve mental well-being
WHO: Anyone looking to get in a solid kick-ass workout to start their day (exercise modifications for any level)
WHAT: One 45-minute session per week for 4 weeks
Wednesday mornings, 6:00am
Session 1: Sept 14 - Oct 5
Session 2: Oct 19 - Nov 9
Tuesday mornings, 9:00am
Session 1: Sept 27 - Oct 18
Session 2: Nov 1 - Nov 22
Thursday mornings, 9:00am
Session 1: Oct 20, Oct 27, Nov 3, Nov 17
​WHERE: Basking Ridge, NJ (inquire for details)
COST: $100
BRING YOUR OWN: mat, water bottle